Digital Transformation by BCG and the University of Virginia

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Learn about Digital transformation: what exactly it is and what does it mean for companies

Key Learnings

How Technology Changes Business

The exponential rate at which technology is evolving creates an imperative for organizations to deconstruct their value chain to gain a competitive advantage. This week, we'll discuss three fundamental laws about how digital information can be processed, communicated, and stored. Then we'll look at how the exponential rate of technological change is driving changes in the industry. You'll also hear from the executive leadership of Pitney Bowes about their ongoing adaptation and transformation of their business.

The Mechanics of Disruption

Disruption is not new, and we can learn from the past how to thrive given the constant disruptions that are the hallmark of the digital age. This week, we will explore the foundations of digital transformation and the nature of the competitive life cycle. We will look at the underlying economics of innovation and technological change. Finally we will explore incumbency and the economics of innovation through the lens of digital transformation.

Digital Trends Past and Future

Change as a constant has never been truer than with digital transformations. This week we will look at the key drivers of digital transformation, opportunities they have already established and the challenges they bring. Then we will explore emerging trends and technologies, what is possible/likely in the future, and currently what we're seeing in practice.

Your Path to Digital Transformation

During Week 4 we tackle the "how" of digital transformation. We approach this challenge using BCG's proprietary framework, which provides a practical strategic model for moving from a legacy to a digitized business. We'll explain the framework's fundamental duality and the different enablers of digital transformation.

Roger Tchalla

Technology Consultant and Project Manager with extensive experience leading SAP implementations using Activate Methodology.

Roger is continuously looking for ways to innovate, facilitate business transformation, optimize delivery and maximize value through efficient use of agile and collaborative techniques and tools.

Digital Transformations by ISB


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