Digital Transformations by ISB

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This course will provide you an understanding of IT-enabled changes in the business environment, and how insightful executives leverage IT to create value and win competitive battles.


Technology-Enabled Disruptions

In this module, you will learn about some of the technological forces that are leading disruption in today’s business environment, and why incumbents in an industry fail to recognise or respond to change that is potentially disruptive. Why did Barnes & Noble give way to Amazon? Why did the minicomputer industry not survive the advent of the personal computer? At the end of this module, you will be able to recognise technology led disruptions in your own industry as well as the shifts that are required in your organisation to respond to these potential disruptions.

Online Business Models

This module is about platform mediated business networks, a class of business models that characterize a variety of digital goods companies like Facebook, Apple, Amazon etc. knowledge of this class of business models will help you design business models for digital goods as well as compete with them effectively.

Designing Information Capabilities for Competitive Advantage

This module highlights the role of IT in designing information capabilities that provide end-to-end visibility in your value chain. A capability that drives the competitive advantage of companies like Walmart and Amazon. We’ll outline the ingredients of this secret sauce so you can design supply chains that transform your cost of operations.

Social Networks and Enterprise 2.0

This module of the course will talk about a class of technologies called Network IT that facilitate unstructured interactions in the firm and in the process, aggregate information and knowledge that is dispersed across the firm. You will learn about leveraging network IT to radically improve information flows and decision making in your firm.

Roger Tchalla

Technology Consultant and Project Manager with extensive experience leading SAP implementations using Activate Methodology.

Roger is continuously looking for ways to innovate, facilitate business transformation, optimize delivery and maximize value through efficient use of agile and collaborative techniques and tools.

Impact from Digital Transformation


Digital Transformation by BCG and the University of Virginia